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California State University, Long Beach                                                                       Policy Statement


                                                                                                                                October 18, 2004

Single Subject Teaching Credential in Latin (code 156)

This new credendial was recommended by the Academic Senate on November 20, 2003, approved by the President on December 2,2003 and
approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing on May 6, 2004.


The Single Subject Teaching Credential consists of 34 units in Latin and
related area courses. Courses taken for the credential will also count
towards the units needed for the Classics B.A.‹Option in Roman Civilization.

1. Required courses: LAT 301, 401, 402, 410A, B, C.
2. Five courses from the following: LAT 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 490.
3. One of the following: HIST 312I, 314.
4. One of the following: CLSC 421I, 440.

Students are required to keep a portfolio of written work produced in the
above classes with instructor comments. Members of the Latin faculty
evaluate the portfolio according to established criteria. The credential
candidate also takes an exit examination administered by the Latin faculty
which will assess pronunciation, speech and conversation, listening and
writing, and reading. Credential students also produce a Latin play.

Single Subject Credential students are also required to complete 44 units in
the College of Education including Student Teaching. Prospective students
should consult the Department¹s Latin Single Subject Advisor, Dr. Kathryn
Chew, early to plan their programs.

EFFECTIVE: Spring 2005

Code: 156
College: 28