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California STate University, Long Beach


October 24, 1983

Obsolete Policy

                                                                                                                    Number:    80-13  (Revised)
                                                                                                                    File:    Faculty Workload


This policy statement, recommended by the Academic Senate at its meeting of October 9, 1980, and approved by the President on October 29, 1980, and modified in conformance with the Unit 3 Memorandum of Understanding in August 1983, is as follows:

Faculty/student ratios and FTE Targets and other measures of faculty workload for departments and schools shall not be established, altered, or abolished by implementation of the flexible workload system.  The normal indirect instructional activities shall be maintained.

With the approval of the appropriate administrator, individual faculty members during a certain time period may obtain a reduced number of Weight Teaching Units (WTU) in direct instructional workload in some semesters if this reduction can be compensated for in one of these ways:

1.    The faculty member will teach an increased number of WTU's in direct instructional workload in the subsequent semester;

2.    The faculty member will teach some classes with sufficiently larger than standard enrollment and is given appropriate indirect workload;

3.    Other equitable means or arrangements will be provided which ensure the condition outlined in the first paragraph of this Policy Statement; or

4.    The variations or deviations from normal workload standards require that agreement of the faculty member shall be sought.

Overall equality of opportunity for all faculty members to receive reduced WTU's in direct instructional workload shall prevail.

All variations or deviations in normal workload plans for individual faculty members shall be recorded in a written memorandum.  Copies shall be kept by the department, the dean, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs, as well as by the faculty member.  Deans shall consult each semester with their faculty on the means used to implement this policy in their departments.

Workload plans may be appropriately revised during the period of coverage, if warranted by new circumstances.

None of the above shall be interpreted as precluding the award of assigned time for other under assigned time codes.

EFFECTIVE:    Immediately

November 14, 1980
