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NUMBER: 74- 7


REFERENCE: Study Abroad

SUBJECT: Policies and Procedures for Study Tours

1. Study Tour Proposals by Individual Faculty

A. Application for leading a study tour should be made in accordance with the following dates every year:
Preliminary proposal for all Programs--April 15
Final approval of all Programs by Study Tour Committee--May I (Winter Session)
October 15 (Summer Session)

B. Application shall be made to the sub-committee on study tours (a sub-committee advisory to the International Programs Committee). The sub-committee shall pass on each application, particularly with respect to proposed academic, faculty, contractual and fiscal, itinerary and logistical arrangements and commitments, and forward its recommendations to the International Programs Committee.

C. If tour participants are to study at a foreign academic center, information concerning the locale, course offerings, housing, meal arrangements, costs and supervision of students must be available to the Committee on Study Tours.
D. Only after approval of a study tour by the International Programs Committee, may advertising for such a tour be released.

E. All advertising first cleared with the Dean of Continuing Education and Summer Session (or his designee), must distinguish the academic portion of the program sponsored by the University from the travel portion of the program (transportation, board and room) to be the responsibility of the travel agency.

II. Academics/Course Work

A. The academic outline of the course and unit value must be approved by the department and division curriculum channels concerned-academic standards
shall be the same as for any on-campus or extension credit (or non-credit) course, as applicable.

B. Course title must be listed in (or have curricular approval for listing in the next) regular General Catalog.

C. Credit shall not be given for travel alone or for guided tours alone.

D. In general, I unit of credit should be given for every 5 days of instructional time, 3 hours' instruction (or 2 hours' instruction + 2 or more hours' educational travel) per day.

E. Sufficient leisure time should be budgeted for individual studies/ activities; and, whenever possible, traditional days/hours of worship should be respected.

F. A detailed course outline should be in the hand of each student before departure (to be included as Attachment A of the student's copy of contract between the student and the University) and filed with the appropriate authorities. The outline should list the textbook(s), the assignments (or study topics), as well as the time and place. If requirements vary for lower division, upper division, or graduate students, and if any or all are eligible to enroll for credit at their respective levels, the differences should be so stated.

G. Orientation and, if possible, instructional sessions for participating students must be held prior to departure from campus.

H. The basis for the final grade (consistent with University grading policy) will be full participation in assignments and in organized educational activities.

I. At the conclusion of the tour and before September 15 (within a month after the tour for programs conducted at times other than in summer), a comprehensive report shall be made to the Committee on Study Tours and to the Dean of Continuing Education and Summer Session (or his designee),
for their review, evaluating the study tour recently concluded, including (a) fiscal analysis (minimally: costs of travel, an accounting of disbursements from the contingency fund as well as assessments/ refunds to participants), and (b) academic analysis, (minimally: program evaluation by the faculty involved as well as faculty and program evaluations by the participating students). Furthermore, (c) copy of evaluation procedures and tests shall be filed with this Committee and Dean.

III. Tour Leaders/Instructors

A. Tour Leader (supervisor) shall be appointed by the president of the institution or his designee by a formal letter of appointment. (See Chancellor's Guidelines for Foreign Study Program Policies-Executive Order No. 165.)

B. The Supervisor must be academically competent, have leadership experience, and have the judgment and ability to cope with the problems of foreign travel. He or she must be appointed by the President or his designee in consultation with the appropriate academic department or division. The supervisor must be academically qualified in the area of the Foreign Study Program and either a full or part-time member of the academic department or division to which the course offered pertains. (Chancellor's Guidelines, 3, 5, A (2).)

C. The Supervisor is responsible for the instructional element of the Foreign Study Program. In addition, he or she shall, be authorized pursuant to the contract with each participant to remove any participant from the Program who violates any Title 5, California Administrative Code regulations regarding student conduct. (3, 5, A (3).)

D. The tour leader shall have authority to cancel the tour prior to the departure date.

E. In addition to the Supervisor, the President or his designee may appoint faculty qualified in the subject(s) of the Foreign Study Program to the program who are either full or part-time members of the academic department or division to which the course offered pertains.

IV. Contracts and Finances

A. The University assumes no financial obligation for a tour, except for reimbursement of fees according to the published schedule for refunds.
B. All technical and financial arrangements shall be the responsibility of the tour leader. The University assumes none of such responsibility except where administrative ruling states otherwise.

C. The instructor shall be paid the regular salary under Extension or Summer Session, as appropriate (according to rank and instructional units for a "class" or fraction thereof), only after the end of the study tour and submission of final grades and required reports.

D. The Supervisor and faculty of the Foreign Study Program must be free from any conflict of interest or incompatible activity related to the development or administration of the Program irrespective of whether the conflict of interest or incompatible activity is disclosed. Accordingly, neither the Supervisor nor any member of the faculty of a Foreign Study Program may have any formal or informal arrangements with any commercial or non-profit entity which is in any way connected with the Program, through which any payment (in money or in goods or services) or other pecuniary gain is to be received, other than the regular salary paid by the institution, and travel (whether or not provided by the institution) for the Supervisor and faculty and their respective spouses between the institution and the site of the Program. The Supervisor and members of the faculty of the Foreign Study Program shall so warrant to the President in advance of the Program, (3.5(c).)

E. The participants' contract with the University shall specify that the University is responsible for only the academic supervision and appropriate academic credit in connection with the Foreign Study Program.

F. Travel agent (s)--having contract(s) with the University or each participant--shall give written assurance of compliance with Chancellor's Executive Orders #82 and #165 Section 3.4 A (4) and (5) as well as Section 3.5 C.

G. The Committee on Study Tours shall be responsible for determining (a) an appropriate amount to be set aside for contingencies on site; (b) costing-out of all expenses for travel (i.e., transportation, lodging, all meals, and related expenses) for the instructor (and spouse, if applicable); and (c) other items, if any to be determined at a later date, subject to approval by the International Program's Committee.

V. Itineraries and Logistics

A. Itineraries should exhibit insofar as possible a geographical-conceptual relatedness and continuity, if travel is an essential element in the educational program of the study tour.

B. The courses(s) offered on the tour should not be taught while in transit (except, for example, on board ship), but during halts or sojourns in suitable localities. The conditions and facilities for instruction should be conducive to fairly normal teaching-learning procedures.

C. Several days in the same general location should be dispersed throughout the itinerary to allow for breadth/depth of topical treatment, on-site familiarization, psychological re-orientation, leisure-time pursuits, etc. for the participants. This does not prohibit arrangement of educational trips, so long as participants are returned to their familiar location. Nor does this prohibit occasional days of travel to/from the more permanent sites.

D. All travel (by air, train, bus, and/or other conveyance), essential to the course content, must be included in the contract with travel agents. Air travel must be in compliance with Chancellor's Executive Order #82.

E. All lodging and meals provided from the time of departure to the time of return between the institution and the site of the program, shall be specified and (a) included in the contract with travel agent(s);or (b) included as part of participants' out-of-pocket expenses for which each must give assurance of having adequate funds on hand, prior to departure. In either case, quarters and meals must be conducive to physical and psychological health, insofar as this can be determined with reasonable precautions before the fact.

VI. Students

A. Each participant is enrolled in the program subject to instructor approval, payment of tuition and travel fees, and compliance with the following:

I. Each student enrolled for regular grades or credit must be academically eligible. Auditors shall also be permitted to enroll.

2. Each participant will secure a current statement from a licensed medical doctor that he/she can participate without ill effects to his/her health.

3. With regard to minors: parents or legal guardian will submit a written statement to the Program Supervisor authorizing him to act in their behalf in the event of a medical emergency in which immediate medical action is necessary to preserve the health of the patient.

4. Each participant will have adequate worldwide health and accident insurance coverage.

5. Each participant will be in possession of a valid passport (and visas where applicable) authorizing travel, and an International Health Certificate with inoculations recorded as required.

6. Each participant will be subject to the code of conduct as specified in Title 5, California Administrative Code, Sections 41,301 and 41302.

7. Each participant will have sufficient personal funds for specified and incidental expenses.

Effective immediately.


March 4, 1974