Jungran Noh

1991 Distinguished Alumna

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Jungran Noh

Jungran Noh’s paintings have been exhibited at more than 30 museums and galleries throughout the United States and Korea and this year, her works have been part of an exhibit at the National Modern Art Museum in Mexico City.

She’s currently in Denver for a reception in conjunction with a solo exhibition at the Alpha Gallery. At the 1990 Los Angeles Festival where her paintings were displayed at the opening celebration, curator Josine Starrels noted that Jungran is one of the Korean American artists “whose works unite the rich visual arts tradition of their native Korea, with the boundless energies of American West Coast contemporary painting.”

She is one of the founders of the Korean Arts Foundation of America that assists emerging Korean-American artists.

While a student, Jungran received numerous awards including second prize in the Long Beach Art Center National Open Juried Exhibition and the silver prize award in the National College Student Art Festival.

From Alumni Awards 1991 program